June 14, 2008

  • Why Chinese food at Vietnamese weddings?!?!??

    Seriously people, ever since I could remember, Vietnamese weddings here in the US always end with a banquet at CHINESE restaurants with CHINESE food. Why???? Yes, I know Chinese food is cheap and can be mass produced and yes Chinese restaurant are designed so that every patron are packed inside like sardines in a metal can, but seriously! Now as a disclaimer, I don’t have anything against anything Chinese. If you know me any better, I prefer Chinese anything over Vietnamese anything any day. But if you really put your head together, you can totally have a Vietnamese banquet at a Vietnamese wedding. I know it’s a radical idea, but hear me out.

    If I ever going to marry a Vietnamese girl (highly unlikely), I will insist on Vietnamese food just to be a rebel and go against the norm. First, we would have lots of spring rolls. I mean lots! Even ones you make yourself. Of course, you must have peanut sauce to go with it as well, so at each table, we’ll give a pack of peanuts and let the eaters manually crush the peanuts themselves with those ghetto wooden grinders. For vegetables, each eater have a free pass to pick vegetable from Vietnamese homes. Chances are, if you know a Vietnamese person living on a land with at least an inch by inch square of soil, there is going to be home grown vegetables there. Guaranteed. So for my wedding, everyone gets a pass to go pick vegetables in Dorchester. We must have fish because our ancestors were mostly fisherman. Fish in tomato sauce. Fish in Hoisin sauce. Fish in ketchup with rice. Whatever. Since we’re in the US and not Vietnam, every eater gets to catch their own fish but it must be BELOW legal limits allowed. Seriously. In Boston, you can’t catch a fish and take it home if it’s below 17 inch long but since this is a VIETNAMESE wedding, you’re not going to follow the rules and bring home the 9 inch and half fish anyways and bake it and bring it to the wedding. If the State Troopers catch you doing it, you just bust out your fobby accent and pretend you can’t read because chances are State Troopers in Mass. all assume Vietnamese people can’t speak proper English anyways. It’s wrong, but fight the system! We totally have to have fish sauce. At every table, instead of a small pint of fish sauce, bring out a gallon of fish sauce. In fact, since Vietnamese people reuse and recycle everything, put the fish sauce in the milk gallon jugs and serve it to every table! Forget Chinese green tea, we need fish sauce green tea latte grande with extra shot and whipcream! By the end of the night, I get more patients because everybody will be having hypertension due to the fish sauce and they will come to me for atenolol and other beta blockers. Of course, we must have pho at the wedding. Pho everything. We can serve first chicken pho, then beef pho, then pork pho, then Spam pho, lamb pho, and end it with pho with ketchup and rice and hot dogs. Yes, we eat hot dogs with rice, get over it. Instead of Chinese wedding cakes from Chinese bakery in Chinatown, we’ll have Vietnamese sandwich (banh mi) as the dessert. Yes it’s not filling, and not sweet and if you order them from Dorchester, there might be questionable meats there that you don’t want to ask about, but Banh Mi and Pho is about the only thing non-Viets know about Viet food. We GOT to have egg rolls. Now there is an ongoing debate for million of years whether egg rolls come from China or Vietnam, but ours are made with love! And MSG. And high cholesteral giving, heart attack inducing, artery clogging, obesity causing ‘vegetable’ oil.

    So there! Actual Vietnamese food at a Vietnamese wedding! It’s almost revolutionary! WHO’S with me?!! ARE YOU WITH ME?!?

    All I need now is a Vietnamese girl who shares my crazy obnoxious sense of humor….

June 9, 2008

  • Reasons why I can’t Study for my boards in Boston…

    It’s awhile since I post but what the heck. I think blogs have their usefulness and Facebook have its limitations. So here we go… top reasons why I can’t study for my boards in Boston and wished I am in, I don’t know, Antarctica, to study (I’m sure penguins won’t mind me there but do they have wireless?):

    (1) I can’t say no to my family. They always want me to do things for them, and I want to say no but I can’t so I end up doing it anyways… like cleaning the family’s spyware infected computer and reinstalling Windows XP for TWO DAYS!

    (2) I know too many places I rather go to rather than study at BU’s Mugar library.

    (3) Lots of friendships and relationships I want to heal or improve or catch up… but those takes time and thought.

    (4) I want to solve all my church’s problems. Including inter-personal relationships.

    (5) My house has no AC. Boston temperature has been hitting high 90′s. Enough said.

    (6) I never get long weeks of uninterrupted time. There are always weddings (4!) to go to or church events to participate in.

    (7) BU’s FitRec is like sick nasty! They have like 8 basketball courts, pools, walls, and tons of things to do in one building including doing nothing at all and lounge at the Smoothie bar getting fat from the carbs and calories after a workout.

    (8) It’s SUMMER! Summer is not meant for study!

    (9) I wish there is someone to help me study or support me to study instead of people asking for my time, energy, and money all the time.

    (10) Currently rekindling my passion for God but can’t do it because I need to study!!!

    Anyways, I need to study!!!

February 15, 2008

  • CNN piss me off! More racism from established media..

    Ok, I don’t care who you are voting for, but obviously CNN thinks Asian Americans are ignorant, dumb, and vote out of fear.

    CNN has aired a piece on their channel interviewing Asian Americans on who they would vote for. The conclusion? They would rather vote for Hillary than Obama because Asian Americans are afraid of black people. GIVE ME A BREAK!!! Do you know how much Asian Americans and every other minority groups in American BENEFIT from African Americans’ leadership in the civil rights movement???

    Asian Americans are not single-minded or ignorant like CNN would want us to be. If CNN could just check the recent US Census sheet, Asian Americans have the most highest degrees and make the most money on average than anybody. Truly, we are well educated and socially aware to make informed decisions.

    Asian Americans have reasons to vote for Clinton. They also have reasons to vote for Obama. They do not vote out of fear!

    What’s worse, the CNN video segments only interview Asians with BROKEN ENGLISH!!! Why don’t you come here and interview me and numerous other Asian Americans who would tell you a piece of our minds in better English than you can imagine. Why cherry pick only Asians with broken English? So that the media can further establish that they think Asians don’t belong here and are not true Americans.

    Telling us to go back to China or whatever is like telling white people to go back to Mesopotamia!

    We are Americans because we believe in the ideals of democracy and freedom and we live, work, and protect this country like any other people.

    ARGH! This is disgusting. I need to take a shower now. The link below is the CNN video segment and the story. The link after that is a petition that you should sign to tell CNN that they’re wrong and they need to rectify the problem.

    (By the way, all Asian Americans should vote, no matter who you vote for. It just so happens that according to the Census, Asian Americans are least likely to vote, thus the candidates ignore us. Vote and be counted! After you sign the petition….)

    The video:

    The story:

    The petition:

October 29, 2007



    They played in the same team in Japan….. but alas, in the World Series, the guy in RED beat the guy with cool hair and sunglasses…


    Go RED SOX!

October 24, 2007

  • Thinking what to say to my new niece, due February:

    “Hi! I will be your uncle for life. Despite what your mom (my older sister) thinks your name is, your name is Nila (from Lion King) in the family because your mom is the Lion. I will spoil you. I will buy you things. I will take you out on school nights. I will teach you how to annoy your mom properly. You will play piano at 3. Play violin at 4. Play volleyball at 5. I may seem over-productive at times, but I didn’t kill all your boyfriends. I just hung them to a tree somewhere in the woods. I forgot where. If your mom yells at you, I am always on your side. If your mom yells at me, you’re on your own, kiddo! You will not get a car when you’re 16. Forget about it. Back in my days, I took the subway everywhere. High school years are not teenage drama years. We’re no white people, we’re Asians. It’s get yourself to a top college years. You will find yourself good at math and wonder why. Ask your aunty Vi. It’s because you’re Asian. You will go to college. That’s not even a question. I might create an Uncle Scar Scholarship Fund for you. I might not. If I visit you in college and see a guy touches you. Trust me. He will cease to exist the next day. Period. You can major anything you want. If you go to medical school, I’m proud of you. If you go to pharm school, I question what your mom has been teaching you. If you go to law school, you better be able to beat your aunty in a debate. You can marry anybody you want. Provided I like the guy. If I don’t, I will scare him to death on the wedding day. He might shake with fear when he walks down the aisle. Literally. Grandparents are gangsters. Yes, your grandpa is a pastor and your grandma is a health care worker, but they’re gangsters. They know everything. They see everything. Just picture your grandma driving a Hummer and your grandpa rapping to Kanye. If they’re gangsters, I’m the Mafia. Don’t mess with me. Everything you do and everywhere you go, I know people. Trust me. Just ask your Aunti Vi. The world may be harsh sometimes, but a big bowl of pho from Grandmas solves everything. Everything is measured by pho. If you spend $100 on shoes, that’s 20 bowls of pho that could have fed people. Don’t waste pho. Despite everything, welcome to the gangster/Mafia/pho loving family. I will love you unconditionally. Because I am your uncle.”

June 18, 2007

  • Michael Moore on Christianity, Healthcare, Jesus, and Socialism

    “Socialized medicine” has become demonized as a political term. How do you reclaim it as a viable political idea?

    By just coming right out there and ridiculing their efforts, showing
    them up for who they are, and then proudly claiming it. At one point
    when I was making the movie, I was thinking of renaming it myself, from
    “socialized medicine” to “Christianized medicine,” because that
    essentially is what Jesus would do. He said, “When you get to the
    Pearly Gates, we’re going to ask you a series of questions: When I was
    hungry, did you feed me? When I was homeless, did you give me shelter?
    When I was sick, did you take care of me?” As we are a “Christian
    country,” as I often hear people say, maybe if we actually started
    acting that way, we wouldn’t have t
    o deal with terms like “socialized
    medicine.” It would just be the normal Christian thing to do.

    Source: http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/movies/320271_moore19.html

    (by the way, go see “Sicko” by him… it talks about how the mess up
    U.S. healthcare system really is…. I am not a big fan of Michael Moore,
    but as a aspiring doctor, I agree with him on this one)

    EDIT: I feel like I have to post a commentary on why I posted this article, to avoid misunderstanding….

    Although throughout history, religion in the form of politics have
    misuse the idea of faith (i.e. the crusades, the inquisitions,
    genocides, the holocaust, Jihads from radical extremists, etc etc… no
    major religion is innocent of wrongdoing on a mass scale) for
    propaganda purposes, I believe faith should be on a personal level. It
    is between you and God that you grow in faith and the manifestation of
    that faith is in the good works you do for all mankind.

    Christianity, we believe that God gives us the freedom to choose
    whatever we believe in. However, there are personal consequences to
    what we choose. In acting towards others, we must always respond with
    love and compassion.

    Although Michael Moore hates President (see
    Fahrenheit 9/11, his other film), he doesn’t hate religion or
    Christianity. He’s calling us to live up to the Christian traditions
    this country is found upon (see the faith of our founding fathers) of
    charity, love, and care for the human condition.

    I personally don’t like Bush invading Iraq and Bush dragging the word
    Christianity into it (Crusade part IV, anyone?). I feel I am
    scrutinized by what Bush is doing because of my faith, much like how
    the Muslim world has to answer questions for what Osama is doing. Yet,
    I know my faith is personal and reflected by my own actions, and people
    will see the difference between me and Bush by the love and care and
    manifestation of my faith to others.

    But back to healthcare, if
    you read the article from my source link, Moore criticized the
    commercial, capitalistic, and money hungry nature of our healthcare
    system that even people WITH insurance have trouble paying for their
    bills! I am with Moore in the sense that we need a revolution in
    healthcare, by throwing away the private industry and having a
    universal healthcare like Canada, Japan, most of Europe, and yes even
    Cayman. Universal healthcare run by the government will insure everyone
    and no one will ever have to suffer because of money.

    Socialism or whatever, but countries with this health system like
    Canada are the healthiest people in the world. Of course this is not
    going to change much in the U.S. because businessmen are getting richer
    and doctors enjoy their $100 to $300K salaries, so privatization will
    always exist. But that is where charity and altruism comes in.

    the end, Moore was criticizing Bush, the government, and our healthcare
    system more than or even at all religion or Christian.

    Moore will never be Martin Luther King Jr., I remember King says that
    he had a dream that “one day this nation will rise up and live out our
    creed that all men are created equal”, and more or less this dream has
    been reached. Moore is using the same strategy in calling the nation to
    live out the creed of our nation in charity. And that is charity in

June 5, 2007

  • Classic: High Taste for Cousin from Australia

    Yudel2000: ok i have high taste for you

    Yudel2000: if you marry someone, he has to be a
    GORGEOUS Olympic Athlete, or a Christian Musician with CDs and music Labels, or
    a MISSIONARY Doctor who goes to Asia every
    other week, or something

    Yudel2000: anything less, i’ll bring out the kangaroos
    and koala bears

    CuzFromAussie: HAHHAHAHA

    CuzFromAussie: I think the person I will marry
    will be gorgeous in MY eyes, sing songs to MY ears and Preach the gospel to

    CuzFromAussie: good enough with that?

May 26, 2007

  • Asian Americans ARE the predominate Christian Force on Campuses

    source: http://www.christianpost.com/article/20070524/27602_Top_U.S._Campuses_Seeing_Rise_of_Asian_American_Evangelicals.htm

    Asian Americans on campuses nationwide are the largest evangelical groups on campuses. This article show some of the reasons are (1) Asians Americans retreat into groups in an otherwise hostile environment (college) (2) Asian Americans assimilate their identity into not just an ethnic one, but a Christian one. (3) Asian Americans are more group oriented than individual oriented, hence fellowships satisfy this need (4) Asian American college students leave behind their 1st generation, parental, highly hierarchical and disconnected churches during their high school years to come to a place where contemporary worships and different thinking are attractive. (They even mention Asian domination at Urbana 2006!)

    Wow. All these points resonant to me. It reminds me of my BU AACF days, which I misss so so much.

    All I have to say is, rock on!

May 19, 2007

  • 30 minutes naps midday is good for your heart!

    A study show that napping 30 minutes during the day will decrease your chance of heart disease by more than 30%!

    I have been doing this all of my medical school years! No wonder I didn’t get a heart attack yet with all the caffeine I intake per day!

    Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/6354855.stm

May 15, 2007